
A good eye
Today we would like to introduce you to one of our friends, Marie Hald, who’s not only a lover of jewelry, but also the photographer behind the portrait pictures of our design team: Chanette and Anne. The talent of Marie is easy to see in her work and throughout the years, she has specialized in portraits and won many prizes including World Press Photo, Danish Portraits and Picture of the year, Young Nordic Photographer of the year and done several exhibitions in the United States and the Nordic countries. Back in November, we had the most stunning day with Marie.
Copenhagen, 2021. Photo credits: Marie Hald, TIME Magazine (right).

Do you ever wonder what made you decide to become a photographer?
When I was a child I used to sit and look through my friends family photo albums when I visited them. I remember my friends found it so boring and would rather go outside and play. I think my interest in photojournalism started back then even though I didn’t know what it was. I love the way pictures can tell a story without any text.
You are one of the most talented photo journalists when it comes to doing portraits. How do you set the mood for your work?
I always use a lot of time vibing with the people I photograph. Much more than I use for preparing the technical stuff. I think my vibe and mood are extremely important for the results and I think to become a good photographer, you have to have that special feeling for people.

What is creativity to you and how do you nurture it?
Creativity to me is living and breathing. I feel like I use my creativity in all aspects of life. Working, loving, cooking, decorating. Aesthetics are extremely important to me. My style in photography, my wardrobe and the way I decorate my home is always changing.
We know you love jewelry. What can jewelry do for ones self-esteem?
I absolutely love dressing up before a shoot. I always wear big earrings – they are a must-have for me. And lately I have been mixing a lot of different jewelry, all in gold. Jewelry and colorful clothes, red lips and high heels is my favorite look. When I was studying, the norm for photographers was black anonymous androgynous outfits. In the beginning of my career I sort of tried to fit in, but now I just don’t give a damn.
We love the portraits you have done for us. How was it taking the pictures of Anne and Chanette, and why did you choose the location?
Chanette and Anne were such cool people to meet. They are of course creative people as well and we had a blast shooting the portraits. I chose the riding area in front of Christiansborg because of the amazing light, I mean try and take a look at the light in the portraits I did. It´s stunning!

You have a lot of JUKSEREI jewelry, which pieces are your favorites?
My favorite is the CROISSANT collection. I love wearing the CROISSANT Pearl Necklace in a mix together with an old band t-shirt and the CROISSANT Necklace in gold. Also I am very fond of the BIRTHSTONE collection, especially the opals!