€0.15 €0.15
This piece contains little imperfections. It did not make it through our high standard quality control due to one of the following reasons: tiny bubbles, small scratches, discoloration, imperfect weldings or uneven engravings.
Send jewelry or souvenirs around the world to your loved ones and let us handwrite a personal note on this card if you'd like! Simply write in the comment section what the message should be. It will look like your gift is coming straight from you :)
Illustration by Danish illustrator Karen Segall.
Original price 1,50€
Size: A6 (10,5cm x 14,8cm)
EASTER POSTCARD is part of our unique B-STOCK ARCHIVE which features exclusive pieces with small beauty flaws from former (and nowadays non-available) collections. Pieces from our B-STOCK ARCHIVE are non-returnable. They will be delivered nicely wrapped as usual but we’ll be using recycled and sorted out materials to keep a sustainable cycle and avoid unnecessary waste.
Designed with love by JUKSEREI